If I was a curator of a museum, I would feature a lot of devices that are related to my family. I would like each of the devices to show the personality of each member  or what they like doing the most. For my dad, it would be a typewriter as he was always fond of writing. My mum would have a stereo set as she loves music and so on for the rest of my relatives. I would like to keep the very early variant of the devices or appliances so that it would show the first and raw form of an idea. Something genuine and pure. A base or a foundation that helps further ideas to steam out of.

It would include old clocks, blades, new phones, personal computers, a deck of cards and who knows, probably a bottle of spirit. The question is why would people come to the museum to view such things? I think that the love for these things, if found in my family can be easily found in other families. The key idea being- common grounds. People start identifying themselves or their loved ones with objects. They are now not just the story of one person. They are stories of different people; those told and those left untold. Stories that soared in light and stories that faltered in the dark. It becomes not a fragment of history but a history in itself.



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