Changes and advancements are inevitable. In my eighteen eventful years of existence, I have witnessed a lot of ups and downs in technological developments and some are still preserved as a trace of history. As a curator, there are a lot of devices which I could feature to the tech museum but my center piece would be a ‘pager’.

Pager is a device that looks like a radio which vibrates to inform the wearer when someone wishes to contact them or when they receive a short text message. It’s basically an older version of mobile phones. It was my father’s and he used it in his early twenties for communication purposes. He was proud to own one of them as it was part of the modern technology then. A pager is literally extinct now a days.

Other than a pager, I would include a lantern, a typewriter, an old bicycle, and a lot more. I would arrange them in a way that the visitors will start from the newest to the oldest piece of technology in our family.



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